This page explains how to use with Shopware's CE.
PaaS (platform as a service) is an alternative for shop owners who want to avoid the hassle of setting up their server with either a traditional or cloud hosting provider. is an easy-to-use yet powerful PaaS service.
PaaS is available as an option for users of Shopware 6' paid plans. But PaaS, using providers like, is also possible for Shopware CE users. I will try to lay out the main steps for putting your server on
The entire setup is similar to setting up a (paid plan) Shopware instance with Shopware's PaaS service. If in doubt, please refer to the appropriate documentation.
Setup the Environment
This is obviously the first step to do - follow the docs on In particular, you need to create a new project that
Prepare your Local Environment to Connect to
Install the platform cli tool in your local environment, as described here.
ddev users my want to install just inside the web container, see here.
Also, your gitlab or github repository must be connected to your project.
Configure Your Project
Basically, you will need three new files in your project:
#'^2'variables:env:APP_ENV:prodDATABASE_URL:"mysql://user:@database.internal:3306/main"SHOPWARE_SKIP_BUNDLE_DUMP:1SHOPWARE_SKIP_ASSET_COPY:1SHOPWARE_SKIP_THEME_COMPILE:1PUPPETEER_SKIP_CHROMIUM_DOWNLOAD:1SHOPWARE_ADMIN_BUILD_ONLY_EXTENSIONS:1php:upload_max_filesize:32Mpost_max_size:32Mmemory_limit:512M'':0'opcache.enable_file_override':1'opcache.interned_strings_buffer':20'opcache.validate_timestamps':0'zend.detect_unicode':0realpath_cache_ttl:3600'opcache.memory_consumption':128M'opcache.max_accelerated_files':20000runtime:extensions: - ctype - dom - iconv - mbstring - fileinfo - intl - redis - sodiumhooks:build:| set -e echo "B U I L D - start" touch install.lock export CI=true bin/ci bundle:dump -n bin/ci feature:dump -n bin/ bin/ci administration:delete-files-after-build -n echo "B U I L D - end"deploy:| set -e echo "D E P L O Y start" if [ "$PLATFORM_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE" != production ]; then export FRONTEND_URL=`echo $PLATFORM_ROUTES | base64 --decode | jq -r 'to_entries[] | select("shopware") | .key'` export FRONTEND_DOMAIN=`php -r 'echo parse_url($_SERVER["FRONTEND_URL"], PHP_URL_HOST);'` export APP_URL="$FRONTEND_DOMAIN" bin/console sales-channel:update:domain "$FRONTEND_DOMAIN" fi bin/console database:migrate --all -n bin/console plugin:refresh --skipPluginList -n bin/console plugin:update:all -n bin/console theme:compile --keep-assets --active-only -n bin/console assets:install -n bin/console administration:delete-extension-local-public-files -n echo "D E P L O Y end"relationships:database:"db:mysql"disk:1024source:root:shopwaremounts:"/files":source:serviceservice:filesharesource_path:"files""/public/media":source:serviceservice:filesharesource_path:"public/media""/public/theme":source:serviceservice:filesharesource_path:"public/theme""/public/thumbnail":source:serviceservice:filesharesource_path:"public/thumbnail""/config/secrets":source:serviceservice:filesharesource_path:"config/secrets""/var":source:serviceservice:filesharesource_path:"var""/var/cache":source:localsource_path:"var/cache""/installer":source:localsource_path:"installer""/.global":source:localsource_path:"global""/.cache":source:localsource_path:".cache"web:locations:"/":root:"public"passthru:"/index.php"expires:24hrules:\.(css|js|gif|jpe?g|png|ttf|eot|woff2?|otf|cast|mp4|json|yaml|ico|svg?|cast|mp4|json|yaml|svg?|ttf)$:expires:4wworkers:queue:disk:128commands:start:| bin/console cache:clear bin/console messenger:consume async failed --memory-limit=$(cat /run/config.json | jq .info.limits.memory)M --time-limit=295crons:scheduler:spec:'*/5 * * * *'cmd:'php bin/console scheduled-task:run --no-wait'
Generate JWT Secrets
Whilst JWT secrets are usually stored in the folder config/jwt within your project, this approach does not work with Instead, the secrets need to be stored as project variables.
Deploying now just means pushing the appropriate branch of your project to your repo. (This is the branch you have associated with a project environment on the side.) will then automatically run the deployment script as defined in your file.
Upload your Media Files and Database to